Help Us Make a Difference

At OffenderWatch Initiative, our mission is to increase public awareness of registered sex offenders through the efforts of education, community awareness, and increased government interaction. We can’t do it without your help. With your donations, we’re able to help keep you, your loved ones, and the people of your community safe by raising awareness about sex offenders.

You can help us with a donation as little as $5.00. You can also set up recurring donations if you’d like to continue your support.

If you’re unable to donate, we completely understand and do ask that you help by sharing our Facebook Page and cause with the ones you love. With your help, we can put an end to sexual assault.

For more information on the T.A.S.K. Program and how it works, please click here.

If you’re interested in becoming an official sponsor, please click here

OffenderWatch Initiative is a 501(C)3 Non-Profit Organization

Donate With PayPal

Make a One-Time Donation

Subscribe to an Annual Donation

PayPal Giving Fund

Donate a minimum of $25 via the PayPal Giving Fund page and 100% of the donation will go to OffenderWatch Initiative.

Donate through PayPal Giving Fund

Amazon Smile

Did you know doing your shopping on Amazon can benefit OffenderWatch Initiative? Amazon allows you to enjoy the same products, low prices and convenience while giving you the ability to contribute to charitable organizations easily. Instead of shopping at Amazon, shop at AmazonSmile. The only difference is that the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the price of all eligible purchases to the charity you choose.

Donate with Amazon Smile


Are you planning on selling on eBay throughout the year? If so, supporting OffenderWatch Initiative just got a little easier. Donate a portion of your sale to OffenderWatch Initiative by selecting “Notification Is Prevention Foundation” as your charity of choice.

Support OWI on eBay

Mail A Check

You can also mail donation checks to the following address:

OffenderWatch Initiative
P.O. Box 5466
Covington, LA 70434

Please make all checks out to OffenderWatch Initiative.
Amounts over $250 will be mailed a receipt for tax purposes.

Donate With Credit Card

OffenderWatch® Initiative

P.O. Box 5466
Covington, LA 70434
Website designed by 5 Stones Media · Copyright 2025 by OffenderWatch Initiative