OffenderWatch Blog

Who are your kids talking to?

Posted: Apr 8, 2016

Sex offenders often hide behind the protective screen of a computer and use that as an easy way to prey on innocent children. As of today, sex offenders are required to report their physical address to the authorities. While this serves to help keep your children safe at home and the places they visit, it doesn't serve as protection online.

Modern culture has dramatically increased how we communicate and the method of choice is now online and via mobile communication. Statistics prove that 80% of teenagers have mobile devices and spend about nine hours a day online. It is quite difficult to monitor your children's online communication, who they're communicating with and what is being said.

Wouldn't it be proactive for parents to be able to increase security and know who their children are communicating with online? Imagine a day when sex offenders must not only register their home address but also their cell phone number, online screen names, email addresses and other online identifiers to gaming companies and cell phone providers? This would open the door for these companies to cross reference data and alert parents if their children are communicating with sex offenders through their cell phones or gaming devices.

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