OffenderWatch Blog

4 Things Your Children Should Know

4 Things Your Children Should Know

Posted: Aug 2, 2016

As a parent, we know your child’s safety is your utmost concern. As soon as your children are old enough to form complete sentences, they’re old enough to begin learning how to protect themselves from “bad strangers”. Following these tips and having an open discussion with your kids will teach them how to avoid dangerous situations, or what to do if they find themselves in one.

Call 911 during an emergency

Teach your kids the importance of calling 911 in the case of an emergency and how to find a “good stranger”. This could be a police officer, store clerk, or another parent.

Run, scream, and get away

Teach them to scream “This isn’t my mom/dad” or “Help! I don’t know this person”. These statements are sure the attention of the public around them.

Important information

As your kids get older be sure to teach them where they live, their full name, birthday, complete address and phone number, and your full name.

Don’t assist adults

No adult will as a child for assistance. They should never help an adult with directions or look for a lost puppy.

For more great tips like this be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. At OffenderWatch Initiative our goal is to provide you with the tools you need to keep yourself and your family safe.


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